Thursday, March 5, 2020

Get Ready Ten Final Exam Study Tips

Get Ready Ten Final Exam Study Tips The end of the term is quickly approaching and theres no better time than now to evaluate helpful study tips for final exams. Youve worked hard for months and nows the opportunity to display what youve learned. Understanding what works best for you when you study, and how to make the most of your study sessions, will ensure you pass the exams with flying colors. It is important to remember that no two students are alike and you need to find the study tips that work best for you. There are, however, general pieces of advice that apply to all students and may help in preparing for your final exams. Find your perfect place Evaluate the space youre currently studying in. Does it fit your study style and provide a productive environment? If you think your study space is lacking it may be time to make a switch. Consider visiting a quiet library, an isolated corner of a coffee shop, or rearranging your bedroom to provide the space you need. Join a group While some students study better alone, joining a study group can be incredibly beneficial. If you learn best with others consider forming a study group with students from your class. Set guidelines with the group at the onset to ensure everyone is working toward the same goals and the sessions are productive. Huntington Learning Centers offer study skills and tutoring support in a variety of settings. There may be an established tutoring group, led by a professional, already in place at a learning center near you. Take a practice test (or two) You can evaluate your exam readiness by taking a practice test. This is a great way to determine how prepared you are and what studying still needs to occur. Ask your teachers early if there are sample tests, or forms from previous years, that you can use. Stay rested and avoid hunger Its simple, really. Get plenty of sleep each night and make sure youre eating balanced, healthy meals. Your brain wont function to its maximum potential if you arent taking proper care of your body. Stick with what works Determine how you learn best and stick with it. If you are a visual learner spend time rereading your notes and reviewing charts, diagrams, and graphic organizers. If you are more of an auditory learner consider taping lectures or in-class explanations for additional review. Plan your study blocks Make a weekly schedule that provides an appropriate amount of study time. Stick to this schedule and ensure that you are spending time studying each subject in preparation for exams. Stay organized Establish an organization system that allows you to focus on studying and removes the distraction of disorganization. Keep your classroom notes and study materials for each subject together and routinely remove unnecessary items from binders, folders, and your backpack. Alternate subjectsOnce youve created your weekly study schedule determine how youll align studying for each subject. Many students find alternating subjects helps them retain more information than focusing on a single subject for an extended period of time. Avoid cramming Start studying for final exams several weeks before testing begins. Waiting to study will result in cramming for the exam and will prevent you from retaining material. Cramming may also impact your rest and nutrition and can be avoided by sticking to an established study schedule. Ask for help Knowwhen you need help! There is nothing wrong with asking for assistance or support when studying for exams. Talk to your teachers, friends, and parents when you are feeling confused or overwhelmed. Huntington Learning Centers can also provide professional assistance in advance of your final exams. These personalized tutoring sessions may be just the boost you need to succeed!

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